Author’s commentary

The concept of stuttering on purpose can seem like a strange idea. Why would anyone want to stutter on purpose?! Aside from gaining control of your speech body parts, voluntary stuttering is also a great way to desensitize yourself from the fears of stuttering openly and being judged, laughed at, and rejected. Because in reality, no one will truly cares how we speak (at least the nice people in our lives).

Also, the more you do something you fear, the less afraid you’ll be. I’ve told people countless of times that I stuttered, proceeded to stutter openly, and received only positive results. That’s why I decided to draw this comic. To share and spread word about this strange, yet effective concept.

Plus, I like the pee-pee-pizza joke. That one came from my friend, Greg Snyder, who helped me ensure I got the facts about voluntary stuttering straight. It can be a very tricky speech tool to use. Especially bouncing. So best to seek the assistance of a speech language pathologist of you’re interested in giving voluntary stuttering a try.

October 10, 2020

Daniele Rossi's artistic signature
An illustration of the author standing next to a pile of sketchbooks. Franky Banky is sitting on top reading one of the books. Ti-Ger is sneaking around the bottom.
Book cover with an illustration of Franky Banky talking on the phone

More Franky Banky in Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World!

Tips and comics about reducing fears towards stuttering in everyday situations such as job interviews, dating, and more! Learn more on the Stuttering is Cool website.

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