Stuttering Awareness Pins

Stuttering awareness pins arranged in front of a mini comic book

Spread stuttering awareness with style and humour!

These fun pins (or badges as they call them in some parts of the world) are a great way to spread stuttering (or stammering as they call it in some parts of the world) awareness everyday.

They also make a great conversation opener if you’re learning how to mention your stuttering to a new person.

Each pin is 1.5″ (3.81cm) in diameter and come in different colours. You also get a 12-page mini-comic book containing four comics about mentioning your stuttering with humour!

“These buttons are the coolest! Thanks for helping us spread Stuttering Awareness. You Rock!”
– A person who stutters

“My girl loved them and will wear them with pride.”
– Mother of a child who stutters, USA

“These were grabbed up by my middle school students who stutter. They are at an age where kids who stutter may be ready to consider this scary idea that stuttering can be done openly. Just seeing this attitude displayed on cool little pins is eye-opening for them… For that reason, as an SLP I got an extra set to wear myself, to start conversations with both adults and kids, in speech therapy, in the school setting, and out in the community.”
– Speech-language pathologist, USA

“Absolutely wonderful! I love all of them! Highly recommended.”
– A person who stutters, USA

Stuttering Awareness Pins

Stuttering awareness pins arranged in front of a mini comic book

Spread stuttering awareness with style and humour!

These fun pins (or badges as they call them in some parts of the world) are a great way to spread stuttering (or stammering as they call it in some parts of the world) awareness everyday.

They also make a great conversation opener if you’re learnign how to mention your stuttering to a new person.

Each pin is 1.5″ (3.81cm) in diameter and come in different colours. You also get a 12-page mini-comic book containing four comics about mentioning your stuttering with humour!

“These buttons are the coolest! Thanks for helping us spread Stuttering Awareness. You Rock!”
– A person who stutters

“My girl loved them and will wear them with pride.”
– Mother of a child who stutters, USA

“Absolutely wonderful! I love all of them! Highly recommended.”
– A person who stutters, USA

“These were grabbed up by my middle school students who stutter. They are at an age where kids who stutter may be ready to consider this scary idea that stuttering can be done openly. Just seeing this attitude displayed on cool little pins is eye-opening for them… For that reason, as an SLP I got an extra set to wear myself, to start conversations with both adults and kids, in speech therapy, in the school setting, and out in the community.”
– Speech-language pathologist, USA